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Dictionary Suite
aperture a narrow opening, such as a hole, crack, gap, or slit. [1/2 definitions]
flutter to move about restlessly, nervously, aimlessly, or excitedly; flit. [1/9 definitions]
go out to stop burning or being lit. [1/6 definitions]
hotfoot a practical joke in which a match is secretly placed between the sole and upper of someone's shoe and is lit. [1/3 definitions]
part to become divided or broken into parts; split. [1/18 definitions]
presplit combined form of split.
rip1 to be cut open or apart roughly and vigorously; tear or split. [1/5 definitions]
riven sharply divided; split. [1/2 definitions]
slitless combined form of slit.
unlit combined form of lit.
unsplit combined form of split.