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abrupt saying so little as to be rude or unpleasant. [1/2 definitions]
abstract formed in the mind or in thought, with little connection to what actually exists or is proven. [1/3 definitions]
achromatic able to give an image in which colors are reproduced with little or no distortion. [1/3 definitions]
air mass a body of air that covers a wide area and has little horizontal variation in temperature, pressure, or moisture.
aloof showing little interest in or desire to be involved with other people; distant.
anthracite a hard, shiny coal that burns with little flame or smoke.
apathetic having or displaying little or no emotion, concern, or interest; indifferent.
arid extremely dry or parched, esp. as land which has received little or no rainfall. [1/2 definitions]
Arkansas a state in the south central United States. Its capital is Little Rock. (abbreviated: AR)
a trifle a little bit; somewhat; slightly.
aught1 anything at all; any little part or bit.
au naturel uncooked or cooked only a little and served simply. [1/3 definitions]
back up of traffic, to become so slow that vehicles form long lines behind each other with little space between each vehicle. [1/8 definitions]
bald having little or no hair on the head.
base2 of little value when compared to something else. [1/2 definitions]
bauble a showy or gaudy trinket or ornament of little value.
bazaar an outdoor street market made up of rows of little shops or stalls where people buy and sell things. [1/2 definitions]
benign causing little or no harm. [1/4 definitions]
bit2 a small amount or a little piece of something.
bloviate to speak or write in a pompous and long-winded manner, often with little substance.
bluff2 in poker, to attempt to lead opponents into believing that one's hand is stronger than it really is by betting heavily on it, or that one's hand is weaker than it really is by betting very little on it. [2/6 definitions]