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Abominable Snowman a large manlike animal covered with hair, said to live in the Himalayas; yeti.
ai2 a large three-toed sloth of Central and South America, whose coat has a greenish tinge from the algae that live in it.
ant any of certain ground-dwelling insects that live in colonies of complex organization.
auk any of a group of web-footed, short-winged sea birds that live in colder parts of the Northern Hemisphere and are skilled at swimming and diving.
Basque a member of a people who live in the western Pyrenees of Spain and France, or a descendant thereof. [1/3 definitions]
bigfoot a conjectured animal resembling a large ape or gorilla, alleged to live in the wilder areas of the Pacific Northwest; sasquatch.
consul a national government official assigned to live in a foreign city in order to give assistance and protection to his or her nation's citizens who live or travel there, and to promote his or her country's commercial interests. [1/2 definitions]
coral any of various aquatic invertebrates, polyps, that secrete a hard skeleton and often live in colonies. Their cummulative skeletons eventually form reefs in warm, shallow seas. [1/6 definitions]
crustacean any of a large group of segmented invertebrates, such as shrimp and crabs, that usu. live in water and have hard shells.
dobsonfly a large insect with four membranous, veiny wings, whose carnivorous larvae live in water. (See hellgrammite.)
duck1 any of numerous birds that live in and near water and have webbed feet for swimming and a large flat bill. [1/3 definitions]
fin one of usu. several movable, webbed appendages that fish and other animals that live in the water use for swimming or balance. [1/8 definitions]
fish any of various cold-blooded vertebrates that live in water, have gills, fins, and a tail, and move by swimming. [1/7 definitions]
frog1 any of several amphibians without tails but with long hind legs adapted for jumping, esp. those with a smooth, moist skin and webbed feet, that live in marshy or watery habitats. [1/4 definitions]
gill1 the breathing organ of fish and other animals that live in water, consisting of a platelike, saclike, or feathery protrusion. [1/5 definitions]
gnome1 one of a group of little old men of folklore and fairy tales who live inside the earth and guard precious treasure. [1/2 definitions]
guan any of several large fowls of Central and South America that live in jungles and feed on fruit.
hermit crab any of numerous crabs that have soft unprotected abdomens and that live in the discarded shells of mollusks such as snails.
hind2 any of a number of fish that live in warm parts of the Atlantic Ocean and are related to groupers. [1/2 definitions]
hive a structure built for or by bees to live in. [2/5 definitions]
hornet any of several large stinging insects that live in colonies and build large, round, papery nests; wasp.