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abdomen the part of the body between the chest and the hips. The abdomen contains the stomach, intestines, and liver. [1/2 definitions]
aflatoxin any of a group of toxic compounds produced by certain molds, esp. those in the genus Aspergillus. Consumption of food contaminated with these molds can cause liver disease and cancer.
amebiasis an infection caused by amoebas, esp. parasitic protozoans in the liver or intestines.
bile a bitter, yellowish liquid made in the liver. Bile helps to digest fats. [1/2 definitions]
bilious suffering from an excess of bile or malfunction of the liver. [1/3 definitions]
blackhead a malignant, infectious, and often fatal disease of the liver and intestines of domestic and wild fowl. [1/3 definitions]
cirrhosis a chronic, often fatal, disease of the liver in which excessive tissue is formed resulting in blockage of circulation.
cod-liver oil a pale yellow oil obtained from the liver of cod and related fish, often taken as a source of vitamins A and D.
Dalmatian any of a breed of fairly large dogs that have short white hair spotted with black or liver color.
digestive juice any or all of the fluids produced by the body to digest food, such as secretions by the salivary glands, stomach walls, pancreas, and liver.
fibrinogen a protein produced by the liver that is changed into fibrin during the clotting of blood.
gall1 liver bile. [1/4 definitions]
gallbladder a small muscular sac that is attached to the liver and that stores bile.
giblet (usu. pl.) the edible inner organs of a bird, usu. the gizzard, heart, and liver.
hemochromatosis an iron metabolism disorder, characterized by brownish skin pigmentation, enlargement of the liver, and diabetes.
heparin an organic acid that occurs in liver and lung tissue and is sometimes used to prevent blood clots.
hepatectomy removal of all or part of the liver by surgery.
hepatic of or relating to the liver. [3/4 definitions]
hepatitis inflammation of the liver. (See infectious hepatitis.)
hepato- liver.
hepatoma cancer of or from the liver.