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barrow1 a flat frame used for carrying a load. A barrow has two handles at each end or handles at one end and a wheel at the other; wheelbarrow.
boatload the load of passengers or cargo that a boat can or does carry.
burden1 to place a burden on; give a heavy load to. [1/2 definitions]
cart an open vehicle with two wheels used to carry a heavy load. An animal or a vehicle usually pulls a cart. [1/2 definitions]
cartridge a special container made to hold film so that it is easy to load into a camera. [1/3 definitions]
cartridge clip a metal container or frame used to hold and load cartridges into an automatic rifle or pistol; clip.
cassette a case with film, audio tape, or video tape inside. Cassettes make it easy to load a camera or recorder.
dead weight see "dead load." [1/3 definitions]
discharge to get rid of a load or release contents. [1/17 definitions]
dock1 a raised flat surface used to load trucks or trains. [1/2 definitions]
dump to drop in one big load. [1/3 definitions]
encumber to burden, as a heavy load or an obligation. [1/2 definitions]
entrain1 to load onto a train. [1/2 definitions]
freight any load or burden. [3/6 definitions]
heap to give, load, or assign in great quantity (usu. fol. by on or upon). [1/7 definitions]
inclined plane a plane surface inclined at less than a right angle to a horizontal surface, used to roll or slide a load up or down.
lade to load with cargo. [2/6 definitions]
loaded carrying a load, esp. the maximum load. [1/5 definitions]
load factor the amount or weight of the maximum load a vehicle, airplane, or vessel can carry. [2 definitions]
longshoreman a man whose job is to load and unload ships; dock worker.
overburden to place an excessive burden, responsibility, or work load upon. [1/2 definitions]