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baguette a long, thin loaf of bread with a crisp crust, made from a basic, wheat flour dough. The baguette has its origins in France. [1/3 definitions]
boule2 a round, ball-like loaf of bread with a somewhat flattened top, traditionally French. [1/3 definitions]
bread a food made primarily with flour or meal and baked, usu. in a loaf shape. [1/4 definitions]
bun a loaf of bread small enough for a single serving; roll. [1/2 definitions]
cake a sweet, baked food made of flour, eggs, sugar, and flavoring. Cakes can be made in the form of a loaf or layers. [1/4 definitions]
French bread a long, slender loaf of yeast bread made with white flour and having a crisp crust.
headcheese a jellied loaf made from the inner parts of the head of a hog.
heel1 the end piece, as of a loaf of bread. [1/9 definitions]
loaves plural of loaf.
meatloaf a baked loaf of ground meats such as beef, pork, and veal mixed with egg, bread crumbs, and the like.
pone a small oval loaf or cake of this bread. [1/2 definitions]
scrapple cornmeal mush mixed with pork scraps, dried in a roll or loaf, then sliced, fried, and served as a breakfast sausage.