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call loan a loan that must be repaid on demand at any time.
collateral property or other security put forward to guarantee repayment of a loan. [1/5 definitions]
cosign to sign in support of another's signature, as in securing a loan. [1/2 definitions]
discount an advance payment of interest on a loan. [1/12 definitions]
finance company a business institution involved in a wide range of financial loan activities, such as personal or small business loans or the purchasing of accounts receivable.
float to arrange for (a loan). [1/14 definitions]
hypothecate to pledge (property) to another as security for a loan or other debt, without legally transferring title or ownership.
interest a percentage that is charged on a loan or paid on an investment. [1/7 definitions]
lend to give a loan. [1/4 definitions]
loan to make a loan or loans. [1/5 definitions]
loanable combined form of loan.
margin any of several monetary differences, as between the amount of a loan and the value of the collateral. [1/9 definitions]
negotiate to settle the terms of (a loan, contract, or the like) by discussion. [1/5 definitions]
pawn1 to leave with a lender of money to get a loan. In order to get the item back, the loan must be paid back.
repay to pay back (a loan or other debt). [1/4 definitions]
S and L abbreviation of "savings and loan (association)," a bank, usu. owned by its depositors, that pays interest to them on their savings, which it uses for lending for a variety of purposes.
short-term of a loan or debt, coming due or maturing in a short time. [1/2 definitions]
thrift institution a financial institution, such as a savings and loan bank or credit union, whose primary function is handling savings accounts.
touch (slang) to get, or seek to get, a loan from. [2/22 definitions]
unsecured of a loan, not having repayment guaranteed by collateral. [1/2 definitions]