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armlock a wrestling hold in which one uses an arm and hand to lock an opponent's arm at the elbow.
chest a durable box with a lid and often with a lock, used for storage or shipping. [1/4 definitions]
combination a series of numbers used to open a lock. [1/2 definitions]
combination lock a lock operated by turning a dial to a set series of numbers or letters.
elflock a lock of hair that is tangled, as if by elves.
fasten to close tight or cause to stay closed with a lock, buttons, or other device. [1/2 definitions]
forelock1 a lock or tuft of hair that grows on or above the forehead, esp. on a horse.
harquebus a long, portable gun ignited by a matchlock or wheel lock, dating from the fifteenth century.
hasp a slotted fastener that fits over a staple and is held in place by a pin or lock slipped through the staple, used esp. on doors and lidded containers. [1/2 definitions]
Indian wrestling a wrestling contest in which two people lie on their backs side by side, but facing in opposite directions, raise and lock their respective near legs, and attempt to force the opponent's leg to the ground. [1/3 definitions]
keyhole a hole in a lock into which a key is put to lock and unlock it.
latch a device that fastens or locks with a bar or bolt that goes into a notch or hole. Latches fasten doors, windows, and gates. [2 definitions]
lock1 to use a lock to keep other people from opening something or taking something. [1/2 definitions]
locket a small metal case that holds a picture or a lock of hair. It is usually worn on a chain around the neck.
locknut a nut designed to lock itself. [1/2 definitions]
lock up to lock a place or thing so that others cannot get into it or take it.
night latch a door lock that can be opened by a knob from the inside but that requires a key to open it from the outside.
padlock a lock with a bar shaped like a U used to fasten doors, boxes, or cables. One end of the bar moves on a hinge. The other end of the bar is slipped through a ring before being snapped into the body of the lock. [1/2 definitions]
pickproof of a lock, designed so that it is impossible to pick.
pillory to lock up and exhibit in a pillory. [1/3 definitions]
ringlet a curly lock of hair.