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Dictionary Suite
baby grand the smallest of grand pianos, about five feet long.
brachycephalic having a short, nearly round head, which is eighty percent or more as wide as it is long. (Cf. dolichocephalic.)
continue to extend; prolong. [1/7 definitions]
descend to lead downward along. [1/7 definitions]
do1 to get along. [1/13 definitions]
draw out to prolong. [1/2 definitions]
embank to enclose or support with a mound or wall of earth or stone; construct an embankment around or along.
entrain2 to cause to move along after; pull along. [1/3 definitions]
fit1 to be suitable; belong. [1/11 definitions]
follow to move forward on or along. [1/15 definitions]
get on to proceed in carrying out a task; get along. [2/5 definitions]
indefinite article in English grammar, either of the articles "a" and "an," which do not restrict the nouns or noun equivalents that they modify, but serve to indicate the class to which such modified words belong. (Cf. definite article.)
infantry foot soldiers, or the branch of the military to which they belong.
interminable endless or seemingly endless; monotonously long.
lengthy having great linear extent; very long. [1/2 definitions]
lifetime for the duration of life; lifelong. [1/3 definitions]
longish rather long.
macro- great; large; long.
macron a diacritical mark ( - ), placed over a vowel to indicate that the vowel is long.
make out to manage in a certain situation; get along. [1/6 definitions]
meter stick a measuring stick one meter long.