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appetite a strong inclination towards or longing for anything. [1/3 definitions]
concupiscence a strong desire or longing, esp. sexual; lust.
crave to have a longing. [1/3 definitions]
craving an intense desire or longing.
desire a need or longing. [1/5 definitions]
hope a longing for something; desire. [1/6 definitions]
make eyes at to look at with longing; flirt.
nostalgia sentimental remembrance of or longing for people, places, possessions, or experiences of the past.
pang a sharp feeling of emotional hurt, regret, or longing. [1/2 definitions]
pine2 to be affected with great desire and longing (often fol. by "for)". [2 definitions]
wish a desire or longing for something. [1/9 definitions]
yearning a deep desire, longing, or need.