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Dictionary Suite
affection a friendly feeling of liking or loving someone or something.
con amore with tenderness, devotion, or loving enthusiasm. [1/2 definitions]
cuddle to hold in a gentle and loving way.
endearment a loving or affectionate act, word, or gesture. [1/2 definitions]
fond having or expressing tender or loving feelings. [1/2 definitions]
heartthrob a loving or sentimental feeling. [1/3 definitions]
hug to hold or squeeze with the arms in a loving way; embrace. [1/4 definitions]
moor1 an area of open, rolling, poorly drained land supporting heather and other acid-loving plants.
nestle to place or press in a snug or loving way. [1/2 definitions]
pet1 to pat or touch with a slow, loving motion. [1/2 definitions]
philo- loving; liking.
sportive fun-loving; playful. [1/2 definitions]
sweet thoughtful in a loving way. [1/14 definitions]
TLC abbreviation of "tender loving care."
unloving combined form of loving.