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Dictionary Suite
brilliance extreme brightness or luster. [1/2 definitions]
burnish a smooth, shiny appearance; luster. [1/2 definitions]
gloss1 a shine or sheen on a surface; luster. [2/4 definitions]
gold bug any of several North American beetles having a shiny or gold luster. [1/2 definitions]
lusterless combined form of luster.
matte having a finish lacking in shine and luster; dull. [1/3 definitions]
mercerize to treat (cotton thread or cloth) with sodium hydroxide to increase its strength, dye absorption, and luster.
opalescent having a milky luster like that of an opal. [1/2 definitions]
pearly like a pearl, esp. in whiteness or luster. [1/2 definitions]
schiller a metallic luster shown by certain minerals, caused by the diffraction of light in crystal.
shine luster. [1/8 definitions]
silk like silk in smoothness and luster; silky. [1/5 definitions]
silver having the color or luster of silver. [1/7 definitions]
silvery like silver in color and luster. [1/2 definitions]
tarnish to dull the luster or color of. [1/4 definitions]
tiger's-eye a semiprecious, golden brown gemstone of changeable luster, composed of quartz tinted by iron oxide, used for jewelry.