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bloated having an excess of wealth and luxury. [1/3 definitions]
epicurean having a desire and taste for sensuous luxury, esp. in food and drink. [1/4 definitions]
frill an unnecessary or superfluous ornament or luxury. [1/4 definitions]
lush marked by luxury, abundance, or ornateness. [1/3 definitions]
luxuriant marked by luxury, abundance, or ornateness. [1/3 definitions]
luxuriate to indulge oneself, as in a great pleasure or luxury. [1/2 definitions]
luxurious marked by or providing luxury, great comfort, or opulence. [2/3 definitions]
opulent having or displaying wealth and luxury. [1/2 definitions]
plush full of comfort and luxury. [1/3 definitions]
simplicity absence of decoration or luxury; forthright plainness. [1/3 definitions]
superfluity something unnecessary, esp. a luxury. [1/3 definitions]
superluxury combined form of luxury.
sybarite a person who is fond of pleasure and luxury; voluptuary. [1/2 definitions]
voluptuary a person given to the pursuit of luxury and sensual pleasures. [2 definitions]
voluptuous directed toward or occupied by luxury and sensual enjoyment. [1/3 definitions]