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adapter a device or part that adapts a machine or tool to a different use. [1/2 definitions]
adding machine a machine, often used by businesses, that is able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide, esp. one that prints the work on paper.
agitator a machine, or part of a machine, that automatically shakes or stirs things together, as in a can of paint or a washing machine. [1/2 definitions]
air conditioner a machine that cools the air in a room or car. An air conditioner also takes the dust and dampness out of the air.
aircraft any machine that can fly through the air.
airplane a machine that is heavier than air and that can fly. It has wings and engines.
android a robot or machine having human characteristics.
answering machine a machine that records a telephone message.
apparatus a machine or group of machines designed to accomplish a specific task. [1/2 definitions]
appliance a practical device, esp. any of several pieces of equipment used in the home such as a stove, refrigerator, or washing machine.
assembly a collection of parts put together to form a whole, as in a machine. [1/4 definitions]
ATM an abbreviation for "automated teller machine." An ATM is a machine for getting money without going into a bank.
ATM card a plastic card that enables the holder to access an automated teller machine to obtain cash drawn from or charged against a bank account.
automated teller machine a computerized machine used for banking.
backhoe a machine that is used for digging. It has a large metal bucket that scoops something up and toward the machine.
balata a rubberlike gum that is made from the sap of this tree and is used in making golf balls, machine belts, and other industrial rubber items. [1/2 definitions]
ball bearing a machine part made of a groove in the shape of a circle with metal balls that roll in it. A ball bearing lets an axle or other part move easily.
ballista an ancient military machine resembling a large crossbow, used to hurl stones and other heavy projectiles.
barker2 a person or machine that removes bark from trees or prepares it for use in tanning leather.
bearing a machine part that holds another, moving part and allows it to move with less friction. Bearings are often used to help wheels turn.
beetle2 to finish or stamp (cloth) with a beetling machine. [1/3 definitions]