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corymb a flat-topped cluster of flowers in which the flower stalks grow upwards from various points of the main stem and become level with each other.
cyme a flower cluster that blooms from the center to the edges, and whose main stem is always topped by a flower.
monaxial having flowers that grow on the main stem. [1/2 definitions]
offshoot a branch or shoot from a main stem, as of a plant. [1/2 definitions]
stalk1 a plant's main stem. [1/3 definitions]
stipe a stalk or stalklike structure, such as the stemlike support of the cap of a mushroom or the main stem of a fern frond.
stock the main stem of a plant or trunk of a tree. [1/16 definitions]
thyrsus a branched flower cluster, as of the lilac, in which the main stem does not terminate in a flower but the lateral stems do.
trunk the main stem of a tree. [1/10 definitions]
umbel a flower cluster in which flower stalks of nearly uniform length sprout from the same point on the main stem, as in the carrot plant.