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African National Congress South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
ANC abbreviation of "African National Congress," South African political party founded in 1912, whose struggle to establish majority rule and eliminate apartheid led to the establishment in 1994 of South Africa's first multi-racial, democratically-elected government.
Articles of Confederation a document created in 1781 that served as a set of guidelines for governing the newly formed United States of America. The Articles of Confederation created a "firm league of friendship" among the thirteen original states and maintained the majority of power in states' hands. It was replaced by the U.S. Constitution in 1789.
Bolshevik (often l.c.) a member of the majority faction of the party that seized power in 1917 and formed the Communist party in the Soviet Union. [1/3 definitions]
consensus an opinion shared by a great majority. [1/2 definitions]
dependent colony colony in which a majority native population is ruled by a small number of representatives from the controlling nation.
dissentient dissenting, esp. from the ruling or majority opinion. [1/2 definitions]
hang to keep (a jury) from rendering a decision by voting against the majority; deadlock. [1/17 definitions]
mainstream to integrate or prepare for integration into the prevailing, dominant, or majority group, esp. the integration of disabled or otherwise disadvantaged persons into regular school classes, jobs, and the like. [1/3 definitions]
minority a group that differs in race, ethnic background, religion, or political ideas from the majority of people in a society. [1/4 definitions]
most the majority of. [2/7 definitions]
President Pro Tempore the second-highest ranking officer of the Senate, elected by the members of the Senate and customarily the most senior member of the majority party, who, in the absence of the Vice President, officially presides over the Senate chamber.
sari a long lightweight rectangle of fine cloth which, when wrapped around the waist and over the shoulder, becomes the normal dress of the majority of Hindu women.
Schenck v. United States the U.S. Supreme Court case decided in 1919 that upheld the criminal conviction of the defendant for violation of the Espionage Act of 1917. In the majority opinion, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. argued that speech aimed to undermine military or naval operations during wartime presented a "clear and present danger" to the security of the country.
segregate to separate or place apart from others or from the majority of a group, people, or the like; isolate. [1/6 definitions]
Senate majority leader the senator who is the highest ranking member of the majority party in the U.S. Senate and who speaks for and represents the interests of his or her fellow majority party senators.
special-needs having additional or different educational needs from the majority because of a disability.
supermajority combined form of majority.
whip to strike or beat with quick, repeated strokes with a long slender strap, rod, or the like; lash. [1/13 definitions]