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ad-lib to make up as one goes along; say or do something without practice or planning. [2 definitions]
amends (used with a singular or plural verb) something given or paid to make up for a wrong done to a person or group.
armed forces all the military groups of a country. In the United States, the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marines make up the armed forces.
atone to make up for; make amends.
body all the physical parts that make up a person or animal. [1/3 definitions]
coin to invent or make up. [1/3 definitions]
compensate to take the place of or make up for something (usually followed by "for"). [1/2 definitions]
compensation something given in return for or to make up for something else.
compose to be the parts of; make up. [1/3 definitions]
compose a number in mathematics education, to add together different place values to make a complete number. For example, to compose the number 231, you would add the three place values that make up this number, a 200, a 30, and a 1.
concoct to make up out of one's imagination; invent. [1/2 definitions]
confect to make up, put together, or manufacture by combining materials or ingredients. [1/2 definitions]
constitute to form or make up. [1/3 definitions]
cook up (informal) to make up or invent a story; devise.
disturb to make upset or a little afraid. [1/2 definitions]
executive branch one of the three branches of the government in the United States. The job of the executive branch is to carry out the laws of a country. The president and various departments make up the executive branch.
fabricate to invent with the intention of deceiving; make up. [1/3 definitions]
fill to prepare or make up. [1/2 definitions]
global taking into account all the parts that make up the whole of something. [1/3 definitions]
identity the unique and entire set of characteristics that make up what a person or thing is known or considered to be. [1/4 definitions]
improvise to make up while one is performing; perform without planning or practice. [1/2 definitions]