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administer to manage, take care of, or be in charge of. [1/3 definitions]
administrate to manage, handle or supervise; administer.
administrator a person appointed by a court of law to manage or oversee the estate of a deceased person. [1/2 definitions]
awkward difficult to use, deal with, or manage. [1/3 definitions]
board a group of people who manage or direct something. [1/3 definitions]
bureaucratize to manage or control (a government or other large organization) using bureaucratic methods, or to introduce such methods in.
churchwarden in the Episcopal Church, one of two elected lay officers who manage the secular affairs of the church. [1/3 definitions]
circumvent to manage to avoid or evade, esp. by clever maneuvering. [1/2 definitions]
comanage combined form of manage.
conduct to behave or manage. [1/5 definitions]
contrive to manage, esp. by overcoming obstacles. [1/5 definitions]
control to use power to manage or command. [1/4 definitions]
difficult hard to please or manage. [1/3 definitions]
direct to manage or control. [1/4 definitions]
docile obedient and easy to manage.
economize to use or spend less of; manage thriftily. [1/2 definitions]
engineer to make, organize, or manage by skillful craft. [1/5 definitions]
estate agent (chiefly British) one whose job is to help clients buy, sell, lease, or manage real estate; real estate agent.
extemporize to do or manage with any means at hand. [1/5 definitions]
gentle easy to manage or control. [1/4 definitions]
get along to survive or manage. [1/2 definitions]