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chart a map used to guide a ship across water or an airplane through the skies. [2/4 definitions]
conformal of, pertaining to, or designating a map, or other depiction of one surface on another, that retains the same angles between all intersecting curves.
contour map a map that shows elevation and land configuration with contour lines.
equal-area of or denoting any of several types of map projection in which portions of the earth's surface that are of equal area are given equal space on a map.
globe a round ball with a map of the earth on it, or anything shaped like a ball. [1/2 definitions]
grid parallel horizontal and vertical lines that cross each other to form squares of equal size. Grids are used to locate points on a map or to make diagrams. [1/2 definitions]
homolosine projection a map of the earth's surface, characterized by accurate representation of the continents that results in some distortion of the oceans.
inset a smaller image, such as a map or diagram, placed within a larger one and partially obscuring it. [1/3 definitions]
isobar a line on a weather map drawn between places that have the same barometric pressure during a given time or period. [1/2 definitions]
isotherm a line on a weather map or chart that connects all points on the earth's surface that have the same average temperature over a specified period, or the same temperature at a given time.
isothermal of or pertaining to a line on a weather map connecting points that have equal temperatures. [2/3 definitions]
large-scale drawn or constructed in relatively large proportions, as a map, blueprint, or model. [1/2 definitions]
legend a table that explains the symbols used on a map, chart, or other illustration. [1/3 definitions]
map to make a map of. [1/3 definitions]
Mercator projection a map in which the meridians and the parallels of latitude are shown as straight lines that cross at right angles, and in which areas appear more distorted the farther they are from the equator.
north (often capital) the northern part of a country or area, or the northern part of the world. On a map, a northern area is nearer to the top of that area than to the bottom. [1/6 definitions]
orienteering a cross-country race in which competitors follow a course in unfamiliar territory by using a map and compass.
overlay a transparency marked with information to be seen together with the drawing or map over which it is laid. [1/5 definitions]
photomap a map of one or more aerial photographs onto which identifying names and markings have been superimposed. [2 definitions]
pinpoint a point on a map, a spot of ink, or something else that is very small. [1/2 definitions]
plat1 a map or plan, esp. of a plot of land, divided into lots. [1/3 definitions]