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ballpark (informal) approximately correct; with some margin for error. [1/2 definitions]
beat the tar out of to outdo or best by a wide margin, as in an athletic contest. [1/2 definitions]
border to put a margin, edge, or trim on. [1/6 definitions]
by the skin of one's teeth (informal) by an exceptionally thin margin of time, money, or the like; with little to spare.
double-breasted having the sides overlap each other by a wide margin on the breast or front, and usu. having a double vertical row of buttons, as a jacket or coat. (Cf. single-breasted.) [1/2 definitions]
edge out to force out, defeat, or overcome by a small margin.
gloss2 an explanatory note, such as a translation of an unusual, foreign, or technical expression, placed between the lines or in the margin of a text or manuscript. [1/3 definitions]
hairsbreadth an extremely close or narrow margin or distance.
indent1 to begin to write or type farther from the left margin than the other lines.
indention the blank space between a margin and an indented line or lines of text. [1/2 definitions]
in the ballpark (informal) approximately correct; having some margin for error.
just by a very small margin; barely. [1/7 definitions]
landslide a victory by a wide margin, esp. of a candidate or a party in an election contest. [1/2 definitions]
margin to supply with a margin. [3/9 definitions]
marginal of, concerning, near, or forming a margin. [2/4 definitions]
marginalia notes in the margin or margins of a book or other printed matter.
marginate having a margin or distinct border. [2 definitions]
massacre (informal) to defeat by a wide margin, as in a game or sport. [1/4 definitions]
near miss the strike of a projectile or bomb that misses its intended target by a narrow margin, often causing some damage. [1/3 definitions]
peltate having the leaf stalk attached near the center of the surface of a leaf instead of at the margin.
plurality the largest proportion of votes in an election, esp. when it is less than half the total, or the margin of votes separating the victor from the person who came second. [1/2 definitions]