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accent a mark (' or `). Accents are used to show what parts of a word are to be said with more stress. [2/5 definitions]
accentuate to say or mark with an accent or stress mark. [1/2 definitions]
accolade an expression or mark of approval; honor; award.
ace a playing card that has only one mark. In card games, an ace has either the highest value of all the cards or the lowest. [1/5 definitions]
acute of a mark over vowels, indicating a certain stress or pronunciation. (See acute accent.) [1/7 definitions]
acute accent a diacritical mark (´), placed over a vowel to indicate length or high pitch, or to indicate primary stress of a syllable. (Cf. grave accent.)
apostrophe1 a punctuation mark ('). It is used to show where one or more letters or numbers have been left out. "Wouldn't" for "would not" and "'87" for "1987" use apostrophes this way. [2 definitions]
asterisk to mark with an asterisk. [1/2 definitions]
backdate to mark with a date that is prior to the actual date; predate.
badge any distinguishing mark or sign. [2/3 definitions]
bar1 to mark with bars or stripes. [1/13 definitions]
beauty spot a tiny dark mark or patch applied to the face or shoulders, esp. by a woman to accentuate the fairness of her skin. [2 definitions]
belt to furnish, mark, or encircle with or as if with a belt, band, or line. [1/11 definitions]
benchmark in surveying, a permanent mark at a known position and elevation, used as a reference point for other measurements. [1/2 definitions]
birthmark a mark or mole on the skin present from birth.
black widow a small spider of North and South America. The female has a shiny, black body with a red mark on her underside and a poisonous bite.
blaze2 a spot or mark on a tree to show a trail. [3 definitions]
blemish a mark that spoils the perfection of something; flaw. [1/3 definitions]
bloodstain a discoloration or mark left by blood.
blotch to mark with irregular spots or stains. [1/4 definitions]
blur a smudge or unclear mark. [1/5 definitions]