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absentee ballot a ballot to be marked and delivered to an election official before election day because the voter will be unable to be at the polls on that day.
abstemious marked by restraint or abstention. [1/2 definitions]
abstract expressionism (sometimes cap.) a school of painting that arose after World War II and that was marked by expressive but nonrepresentational images formed by an apparently random and often unconventional application of paint.
accusative the accusative case, or a word marked by this case. [1/3 definitions]
ad libitum at one's pleasure (used as a musical direction to indicate that a section so marked may be varied, improvised upon, or omitted, as the performer wishes, or as a stage direction to indicate that the performer may improvise).
afflictive marked by or causing pain or suffering.
alarm a sudden apprehension marked by distress or anxiety. [1/5 definitions]
anamorphic producing, marked by, or pertaining to intentional distortion of an image.
angina a condition or disease marked by inflammation of the throat, spasmodic pain, and a sensation of suffocation. [1/2 definitions]
annulate consisting of or marked with rings.
anorexia a psychological disorder marked by the inability to eat or the persistent refusal of food; anorexia nervosa. (Cf. bulimarexia.)
asbestosis a chronic lung disease marked by thickening and scarring of the lung tissue that is caused by prolonged exposure to asbestos.
Australian ballot an official ballot that carries the names of all candidates for public offices, along with any propositions to be voted on, and is distributed at polling places, to be marked in secret.
autism a human disorder that begins to show itself in early childhood. Autism is marked by problems with language learning, language use, and social interaction.
autism spectrum disorder any of a group of developmental disorders, including autism and Asperger's syndrome, marked by repetitive behavior and problems with communication and social interaction.
avaricious marked by avarice; greedy, esp. for wealth; grasping.
badinage playful conversation marked by joking or teasing; banter. [1/2 definitions]
barred marked by dark crosswise stripes, as the feathers of a grouse or other bird. [1/3 definitions]
belted marked with a stripe or band of color around the abdomen. [1/2 definitions]
benevolent marked by good will; kindly. [1/3 definitions]
Bermuda Triangle an area of ocean associated with unsolved mysteries, whose perimeter is marked by an imaginary line that connects Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the southern tip of Florida.