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Dictionary Suite
antimarket combined form of market.
arbitrage the purchase of a security or commodity in one financial market and its immediate resale in a different market, used as a way to profit from the difference in market prices. [1/3 definitions]
bazaar an outdoor street market made up of rows of little shops or stalls where people buy and sell things. [2 definitions]
bear2 one who believes that prices will fall in a particular market such as the stock market, esp. one who sells on the basis of this expectation. (Cf. bull1.) [2/5 definitions]
bearish of or pertaining to a real or expected decline in the stock market or in the economy. [1/2 definitions]
black-market to buy or sell on the black market.
black marketeer one who buys or sells in the black market.
bourg a French town with a market. [1/2 definitions]
break into to successfully launch oneself into (a particular profession) or to launch one's business into (a particular market). [1/6 definitions]
bull1 one who believes that prices will rise in a particular market such as the stock market, esp. one who buys on the basis of this expectation. (Cf. bear2.) [1/9 definitions]
bullish of, concerning, or characteristic of a booming economy or stock market or a person who expects it to be so. [1/3 definitions]
buyer's market a market or economy in which prices are relatively low because of an abundance of goods or services. (Cf. seller's market.)
capitalism an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market.
capitalist one who supports an economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately owned, and prices are chiefly determined by open competition in a free market. [1/3 definitions]
cattleman a person, such as a rancher or farmer, who tends, feeds, or raises cattle, esp. for the market.
commodities trade the purchase and sale of raw goods, such as agricultural products or materials derived from natural resources, that have uniform value across an economic market, as opposed to the purchase and sale of services or branded products.
couture those who design, make, and market fashionable clothing, considered collectively. [1/2 definitions]
crash1 to decline suddenly or fall, as a financial market or currency. [1/16 definitions]
dump to market a great quantity of (goods) at a reduced price in another country, so as to undercut foreign competition. [2/10 definitions]
duopoly control of a commodity in a market area by two suppliers or producers. (Cf. monopoly.)
duopsony the market condition that exists when there are only two buyers, who can thus exert great influence on price. (Cf. monopsony, oligopsony.)