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affinity a relationship by marriage. [1/5 definitions]
-andry marriage to (so many) husbands. [1/2 definitions]
anniversary the yearly recurrence of a particular event such as a marriage. [1/2 definitions]
annulment a court decree declaring a marriage to be invalid. [1/2 definitions]
banns a public announcement in church of an upcoming marriage.
baroness a noblewoman of a particular rank by birth or by marriage.
betroth to pledge or give in marriage.
bind to cause to be intimately connected and mutually obligated, as in marriage. [1/13 definitions]
civil marriage a marriage performed by a government official, such as a justice of the peace, rather than a clergyman.
cohabit to live together in an intimate relationship, esp. outside of marriage.
common-law marriage a marriage not contracted through a religious or civil ceremony but recognized as legal after the partners have lived together for a legally specified period of time.
conjugal of or relating to marriage or the relationship between wife and husband.
connubial relating to marriage or the matrimonial state; conjugal.
consummate to complete (a marriage) by the first act of sexual intercourse. [1/5 definitions]
consummation the bringing of a marriage to completion by the first act of intercourse. [1/3 definitions]
couple two people who are together by marriage or by being in a romantic relationship. [1/2 definitions]
courtship the process or period of seeking the affection of someone, esp. for the purpose of marriage. [1/2 definitions]
Demeter the goddess of farming, marriage, and childbirth in Greek mythology. In Roman mythology, Demeter is called Ceres.
divorcé a man whose marriage has been legally ended.
divorce the ending of a marriage as recognized by law.
divorced no longer married because of divorce, a legal process that ends a marriage.