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annunciation (cap.) the angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary of Jesus Christ's incarnation, or the Christian celebration of this on March 25. [1/2 definitions]
assumption (cap.) in the Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and certain other Christian churches, the feast day that commemorates the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Assumption is celebrated on August 15. [1/5 definitions]
Ave Maria (Latin) Hail Mary; the opening words of a prayer to the Virgin Mary. [1/2 definitions]
Candlemas a Christian religious celebration held on February 2, in which the blessing of candles for sacred use is performed to commemorate the purification of the Virgin Mary and the presentation of the infant Jesus Christ in the temple.
Frankenstein the title character of Mary W. Shelley's early nineteenth-century novel, who creates a monster that destroys him. [1/3 definitions]
Holy Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ.
Immaculate Conception the Roman Catholic doctrine that the Virgin Mary was conceived and born free of original sin.
Joseph according to the New Testament, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
Madonna the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus Christ, or a statue or painting representing her (usu. prec. by "the").
Magdalene see "Mary Magdalene."
Magnificat a canticle of praise sung by the Virgin Mary in the Bible. [1/2 definitions]
Mary according to the New Testament, the mother of Jesus Christ who, according to Roman Catholic doctrine, remained a perpetual virgin; Virgin Mary.
Pietà (sometimes l.c.) a depiction, as in sculpture or painting, of Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, holding him in grief following the Crucifixion.
rosary a prescribed series of prayers recited by Roman Catholics to the Virgin Mary. [1/3 definitions]
Stabat Mater a Latin hymn commemorating the sorrows of the Virgin Mary at the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. [1/2 definitions]
virgin (cap.) Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. [1/6 definitions]
virgin birth (often cap.) the Christian theological doctrine that Mary was still a virgin when she bore Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit having miraculously impregnated her. [1/2 definitions]
Virgin Mary see "Mary."