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Dictionary Suite
andro- male; masculine; human.
androgen any substance, such as a hormone, that promotes masculine characteristics.
animus In Jungian psychology, the archetypal masculine element in a woman's psyche. [1/3 definitions]
butch (slang) of a female, having the appearance or behavior usu. associated with masculine gender. [1/2 definitions]
effeminate of a man or boy, having qualities of appearance, manner, or behavior conventionally associated with feminine rather than masculine gender; unmanly.
gender a system in many languages in which nouns fall into two or more groups, such as masculine, feminine, or neuter, the members of each group sharing grammatical features such as inflections and pronoun equivalents. [1/3 definitions]
hypermasculine combined form of masculine.
male of or having to do with men or boys. [3/2 definitions]
manly possessing qualities that are considered to be desirable in or befitting a man; masculine.
masc. abbreviation of "masculine."
masculine in grammar, the masculine gender, or a word in this gender. [1/4 definitions]
masculinize to give a masculine appearance to, esp. to produce male secondary sex characteristics in (a female), as with a drug or hormone treatment.
neuter in grammar, neither feminine nor masculine with respect to gender. [1/9 definitions]
supermasculine combined form of masculine.
ultramasculine combined form of masculine.
unman to deprive of courage, resolution, or other characteristics considered to be masculine. [1/2 definitions]
unmanly lacking in characteristics considered to be masculine, such as strength, bravery, or courage.
unmasculine combined form of masculine.
virile having the qualities of a man; characteristically masculine. [1/3 definitions]
yang (sometimes cap.) in Chinese dualistic philosophy, the active, positive, bright, and masculine force in the universe and in individual beings. (Cf. yin.)