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ABC soil a soil made up of three distinct layers, the A, or top layer, being humus and organic matter, the B layer being clay and oxidized material, and the C layer being loose rock and mineral materials.
abiogenesis the production of living organisms from nonliving matter; spontaneous generation.
actually as a matter of fact; really.
affair an event, matter, or happening. [2/3 definitions]
ammonification the formation of ammonia by bacterial action on nitrogenous organic matter, as in soil. [1/2 definitions]
animalize to make (someone or something) be or resemble an animal or brute or animal matter.
antimatter in physics, matter having particles comparable to those of common matter, but with opposite electrical charges or magnetic characteristics.
anus in anatomy, the opening at the lower or rear end of the intestines, through which solid waste matter is excreted.
any one or some of a certain thing, no matter which, how much, or how many. [1/5 definitions]
anyway in any case; anyhow; no matter what happens.
apply to be related or to matter. [1/5 definitions]
arbor vitae the treelike structure of the white matter in the cerebellum when viewed in longitudinal cross section.
atom the smallest possible unit of a chemical element. The major parts of atoms contain protons, neutrons, and electrons. They are the basis of all matter in the universe. [1/2 definitions]
atomic theory a former theory that all material objects and substances are composed of irreducible units of matter. [1/2 definitions]
atomism a theory that all matter is composed of small, indivisible particles called atoms, which in modern form is called atomic theory. [1/2 definitions]
audience those reached by means of television, radio, or printed matter. [1/3 definitions]
Band-Aid (l.c.) a makeshift remedy for a serious problem or matter. [1/3 definitions]
beat one's regular professional territory or subject matter. [1/15 definitions]
beat about the bush to intentionally avoid the central matter or point.
beat around the bush to avoid or delay speaking about the most important matter.
bespatter to splash and soil with drops or bits of matter; spatter. [1/2 definitions]