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A and M abbreviation of "Agricultural and Mechanical."
accelerator a mechanical device that controls the speed of something, especially the gas pedal of a car.
alarm any audible or visible warning, esp. by mechanical, electric, or other means. [1/5 definitions]
automate to convert to a mechanical or electronic system of operation. [2/3 definitions]
automated controlled or carried using mechanical or electronic devices rather than with the effort of humans.
automatism automatic, mechanical, or involuntary action, as in the operation of many bodily organs, in the actions of one not in conscious control, such as a sleepwalker, or in the suspension of conscious control so as to allow subconscious expression, as in art. [1/2 definitions]
ball joint a mechanical joint, often found in tools and machines, in which the ball-shaped end of a rod or pipe is fitted into a hollow socket, enabling the inserted part to rotate freely in any direction.
bionic an electronic or mechanical device that replaces or helps something natural. An artificial leg is one kind of bionic device.
blueprint a photographic print of architectural or mechanical drawings, usu. done with white lines on a blue background. [1/3 definitions]
buzzer any of numerous mechanical or electrical devices that signal by buzzing.
card2 a mechanical device used for combing cotton, wool, or the like in order to remove the shortest fibers prior to spinning. [1/2 definitions]
cardiogram the curve drawn by an electrocardiograph in recording the mechanical movements of the heart, used in the diagnosis of heart defects and disease; electrocardiogram.
clock1 a mechanical or electric device, other than a watch, for measuring or indicating time. [1/3 definitions]
clockwork the mechanical system and parts of a clock, or a similar mechanism.
clutch1 a mechanical device for engaging and disengaging two shafts or other moving parts of an engine, as in an automobile. [1/9 definitions]
compressed air air subjected to greater pressure than the surrounding atmosphere, esp. by mechanical means.
console2 a cabinet or panel containing the controls for an electrical or mechanical apparatus. [1/3 definitions]
contraption (informal) a mechanical device, sometimes of odd design or construction; gadget.
contrivance that which has been contrived, such as a mechanical device, invention, or scheme. [1/3 definitions]
conveyor a mechanical device, such as a continuous chain or belt, used to convey materials from one place to another. [1/2 definitions]
conveyor belt a mechanical moving strap that carries things from one place to another.