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ABM abbreviation of "antiballistic missile," a missile designed to meet and destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
accommodate to do a favor for; meet the needs of by changing one's own plans. [1/3 definitions]
afford to have enough money to purchase (something); be able to meet (an expense). [1/3 definitions]
affront to meet head-on; confront. [1/4 definitions]
Antarctic Ocean the waters surrounding Antarctica where the southern parts of the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans meet.
antiballistic missile a missile designed to meet and destroy a ballistic missile in flight.
appellation contrôlée (sometimes caps.) a designation on the labels of certain French wines or liquors, certifying that the contents meet prescribed standards. [1/2 definitions]
appointment an arrangement to meet or to do something at a particular time.
arris in architecture, the edge, ridge, or line made when two surfaces meet at an angle, as in a molding.
ashram a religious community or retreat at which people meet for meditation and exercise, esp. yoga. [1/2 definitions]
assignation an appointment to meet, esp. between lovers; tryst. [1/2 definitions]
beggar a person who begs as a way to meet basic needs such as food and clothing.
breast to face, meet, or encounter; confront. [1/6 definitions]
bump into (informal) to meet by chance. [1/2 definitions]
capitol the building where the people who make the laws of a state meet. [1/2 definitions]
caucus to meet in a caucus. [1/2 definitions]
class a group of students who meet together to learn in school. [1/8 definitions]
clinic a type of instruction, like a class, wherein a group of people meet to learn about a specialized topic. [1/4 definitions]
club a heavy stick that is used as a weapon. [1/4 definitions]
committee a group of people who meet to discuss and make decisions about a particular matter.
concurrence a point at which three or more lines or planes meet or cross; convergence. [1/4 definitions]