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aberration a slight deviation in normal mental functioning. [1/3 definitions]
activity normal mental or physical functioning. [1/4 definitions]
ADHD abbreviation of "attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"; a mental disorder, usually beginning in childhood, characterized by impulsiveness and excessive activity.
afflict to cause physical or mental suffering to.
agonize to suffer physical or mental agony. [3/4 definitions]
agony intense and often prolonged physical or mental suffering. [1/3 definitions]
alienist a physician specializing in mental disorders, esp. one who testifies about mental competency in legal proceedings.
amentia serious mental retardation, caused by genetic factors. (Cf. dementia.)
amitriptyline a tricyclic antidepressant drug used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other mental disorders.
animal pertaining to the physical rather than the mental or spiritual aspect of humans. [1/5 definitions]
anoxia the mental and physical disturbances resulting from lack of oxygen. [1/2 definitions]
anxiety a mental state characterized by uneasiness, distress, and worry; apprehension. [1/2 definitions]
asylum a place for the care of those who are not able to care for themselves, such as children without parents, people with mental illness, or the very old. [1/3 definitions]
attention concentration of mental powers, esp. on a particular object. [1/4 definitions]
attitude a feeling or mental state in regard to something or someone. [1/2 definitions]
balance physical or mental stability, or the capacity to reach stability when required. [1/8 definitions]
battle fatigue severe mental distress or disorder resulting from combat in war; combat fatigue. (See shell shock.)
behaviorism in psychology, the doctrine that observable behavior, rather than mental events or consciousness, gives the only valid evidence for study, and that environmental influences predominate in human psychological development.
Binet-Simon scale a series of tests graded according to the mental abilities at different ages of the average population, esp. children, with which the abilities of the individual test-taker can be compared.
brainpower mental or intellectual ability, or the people that have it.
brainstorm an incidence of severe mental turmoil or confusion. [1/6 definitions]