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clemency an act of mercy or forgiveness. [1/3 definitions]
coup de grāce blow of mercy (French); a death blow or any finishing or decisive stroke or event.
cruel willing to cause pain or suffering; showing no mercy. [1/2 definitions]
euthanasia the act of putting to a painless death a person or animal suffering from a painful, incurable disease or injury; mercy killing.
have pity to feel sympathy or compassion for one who is suffering or in need, often leading one to engage in some act of mercy or kindness (usu. fol. by "on" or "for").
humane showing kindness or mercy.
inhuman without human feelings such as warmth, mercy, or sympathy; cruel, brutal, or not caring.
Kyrie eleison Lord, have mercy (Greek); a supplication or invocation that is part of many liturgies in the Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. [1/2 definitions]
merciful compassionate or forgiving; taking pity; showing mercy.
merciless showing no kindness or compassion; without mercy; cruel.
mercy an act of mercy, or the tendency to be merciful. [1/4 definitions]
Miserere a prayer, lament, or appeal for mercy. [1/2 definitions]
pitiless having or demonstrating no pity or mercy; ruthless.
quarter compassion or mercy, esp. that of a conqueror. [1/15 definitions]
relentless without mercy or compassion; unyielding or stern. [1/2 definitions]
remorseless having or showing no mercy, compassion or remorse; pitiless.
ruthless having no mercy or sympathy; cruel.
stony having little mercy or feeling; hardhearted. [1/4 definitions]
unmerciful without mercy; pitiless. [1/2 definitions]