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animalism the theory that human beings are merely animals without spiritual qualities. [1/2 definitions]
-aster one that is inferior or merely imitative.
but no more than; only; merely. [1/5 definitions]
circular of logic or reasoning, marked by the use of evidence or arguments that merely restate one's premise or hypothesis in different terms. [1/5 definitions]
formality a requirement satisfied merely for the sake of form or custom. [1/5 definitions]
idiom a verbal expression that cannot be understood merely by knowing the individual meanings of its elements, as with the phrase "break down," meaning "to lose one's mental stability." [1/4 definitions]
illusionism in philosophy, the doctrine that the physical world is merely an illusion produced by the senses. [1/2 definitions]
just merely. [1/12 definitions]
only merely; just. [1/8 definitions]
simply only; merely; nothing more than. [1/4 definitions]
so-so in a mediocre or merely passable manner; tolerably. [1/2 definitions]