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Dictionary Suite
boom2 any such extending support, as for a microphone, camera, or the like. [1/5 definitions]
bug (informal) a tiny microphone hidden for the purpose of listening to and recording voices secretly. [1/6 definitions]
diaphragm a thin disk in electronic tools such as microphones, speakers, and telephones. In a microphone, the diaphragm changes sound vibrations into electrical signals. In a speaker, it changes electrical signals into sound vibrations. [1/2 definitions]
gobo a screen used to shield a microphone from undesired sounds. [1/2 definitions]
karaoke a form of musical entertainment originating in Japan in which prerecorded instrumental music from popular songs is played while a person performs live vocals through a microphone.
mike (informal) a microphone.
wire (slang) a hidden microphone, usu. for a tape recorder. [1/14 definitions]