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ageism discrimination on the basis of age, esp. against the elderly or middle-aged.
alto clef in musical notation, a clef with middle C on the middle line of the staff, or the sign identifying this clef; viola clef.
amid surrounded by; in the environment of; in the middle of.
amidships in or toward the middle of a ship or aircraft. [2 definitions]
amidst in the middle of; among; amid.
among together with or in the middle of. [1/2 definitions]
antiquity ancient times, esp. prior to the Middle Ages. [1/4 definitions]
anvil in anatomy, the middle one of three small bones in a mammal's ear; incus. [1/3 definitions]
Arab a member of a southwest Asian people that makes up most of the population of Arabia and other parts of the Middle East. [1/4 definitions]
Arabian Peninsula a peninsula in the Middle East on which lie the countries of Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Kuwait. The peninsula lies between the Red Sea to the west and the Persian Gulf to the northeast. The Indian Ocean borders the peninsula on the southeast.
arachnoid the middle of the three fibrous membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord. (See dura mater, pia mater.) [1/5 definitions]
arrack in the Middle East and neighboring areas, any of various liquors distilled from materials such as fermented rice or molasses.
autumnal beyond middle age; in the first stages of decline. [1/2 definitions]
average out to reach a middle state or level, especially after a period of changes or extremity. [1/2 definitions]
Babbitt the title character and protagonist of Sinclair Lewis's early twentieth-century novel, who is smug, conventional, and resolutely middle-class. [1/2 definitions]
bass clef a sign on the fourth line of a musical staff, locating F below middle C; F clef.
bazaar a street market or market area lined with vendors, esp. in the Middle East. [1/3 definitions]
betwixt and between neither one thing nor the other; in the middle.
black-and-white involving only things that are complete opposites. If something is black-and-white, it is clearly one thing or the opposite thing. It is not mixed or somewhere in the middle. [1/2 definitions]
bourgeois of, related to, or characteristic of the middle class. [3/6 definitions]
bourgeoisie the middle class. [1/2 definitions]