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antiquity ancient times, esp. prior to the Middle Ages. [1/4 definitions]
autumnal beyond middle age; in the first stages of decline. [1/2 definitions]
coat of mail a protective garment made of interlinked rings or overlapping plates of metal, worn in the Middle Ages.
crusade any military action in the European Middle Ages that the pope declared to be a holy war. [1/4 definitions]
Dark Ages the Middle Ages, esp. from about 476 A.D. to the end of the tenth century, so called because of intellectual, cultural, and social decline and stagnation.
feudal of, related to, or similar to the Middle Ages, when feudalism was common in Europe. [1/2 definitions]
feudalism a system of economic and political organization, as in Europe in the Middle Ages, in which landholding lords granted lands to vassals in return for service and homage.
freelance (usu. written " free lance") in the Middle Ages, a mercenary soldier. [1/6 definitions]
Freemason in the Middle Ages, a highly skilled itinerant stonemason not bound to local guilds, and hence often a member of a mutual aid society that provided for the families of dead or disabled masons. [1/2 definitions]
gaberdine a long, loose, coarsely woven coat worn by Jewish men in the Middle Ages. [1/2 definitions]
goliard one of the wandering students of the late Middle Ages who composed satirical Latin verses and songs; jester.
gorget a wimple worn by women during the Middle Ages to cover the neck and shoulders. [1/4 definitions]
Greek fire an incendiary material used in warfare by Byzantine Greeks in the Middle Ages.
hauberk a tunic of chain mail, reaching to the knees and worn for protection in battle in the Middle Ages.
jester in the European Middle Ages, someone hired, esp. by a noble, to tell jokes and, often, to make fun of court life. [1/2 definitions]
kirtle a long loose skirt or gown worn by women in the Middle Ages.
mace1 a heavy, spiked club of the Middle Ages used against armored opponents. [1/2 definitions]
medieval of, pertaining to, or characteristic of the Middle Ages.
Medieval Greek the form of the Greek language used in the Middle Ages.
medievalism the academic study of the Middle Ages. [1/3 definitions]
Medieval Latin the form of the Latin language used in the Middle Ages.