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cholesteatoma a tumor-like mass of epithelial cells appearing esp. in the middle ear or mastoid process, also known as a pearl tumor.
eardrum the part of the middle ear that receives sounds. The eardrum vibrates when sound waves reach it.
Eustachian tube a passage connecting the middle ear with the throat; auditory canal.
incus the small middle bone of the mammalian middle ear, shaped like an anvil.
malleus the outermost and largest of the three small bones in the middle ear of mammals.
otitis inflammation of the ear, esp. of the middle ear; otitis media.
otitis media inflammation of the middle ear.
stapes the innermost of three tiny bones found in the middle ear of mammals; stirrup. (See incus, malleus.)
stirrup bone one of the three bones of the middle ear; stapes.
tympanic bone in a mammal's skull, a small bone that supports the eardrum and partially encloses the middle ear.
tympanic membrane a thin, oval-shaped membrane separating the middle ear from the external ear, which vibrates when struck by sound waves; eardrum.
tympanum the middle ear. [1/4 definitions]