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Arab a member of the Semitic people that originated in Arabia and now forms the dominant population in that and other Middle Eastern countries. [1/4 definitions]
arrack in the Middle East and neighboring areas, any of various liquors distilled from materials such as fermented rice or molasses.
bazaar a street market or market area lined with vendors, esp. in the Middle East. [1/3 definitions]
caftan a loose, full-length garment with long sleeves and a sash tied at the waist, worn esp. in countries of the Middle East.
caïque a long narrow rowboat used in the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
caravansary an inn, esp. in the Middle East, with a large courtyard for the animals used as transportation in a caravan. [1/2 definitions]
cold war (cap.) the state of intense political and ideological hostility and competition for power that obtained between the communist Soviet Union and China and their allies, and the United States and its democratic allies, between the end of World War II and about 1990. The Cold War, always stopping short of direct military conflict, manifested in the arms race, the space race, and proxy wars in Vietnam, Korea, and the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
date2 the edible fruit of the date palm tree of the Middle East.
dinar any of several silver or gold coins formerly in circulation in the Middle East, esp. in Islamic nations. [1/8 definitions]
Falange (l.c.) any similar right-wing extremist group, as in Europe or the Middle East. [1/2 definitions]
fez a man's felt cap, shaped like a flat-topped cone and usu. red with a black tassel, worn esp. in Middle Eastern countries.
hummus a Middle Eastern dish consisting of mashed chickpeas, garlic, and tahini, used esp. as a dip or spread.
Iran a Middle Eastern country between Turkmenistan, the Caspian Sea, and the Persian Gulf.
Iraq a Middle Eastern country between Syria and Iran.
Israel a Middle Eastern republic, formed as a Jewish state by action of the United Nations in 1948. [1/2 definitions]
Jordan a Middle Eastern country between Syria and Saudi Arabia; Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. [1/2 definitions]
khan2 in certain countries of the East and Middle East, an inn, esp. one with a large courtyard for keeping caravan animals.
kilim (sometimes cap.) a patterned wool rug made in the Middle East.
Kuwait a Middle Eastern country at the northern end of the Persian Gulf.
Lebanon a Middle Eastern country on the eastern Mediterranean coast north of Israel.
MERS abbreviation of "Middle East respiratory syndrome," a serious respiratory illness that emerged in 2013 and is caused by a coronavirus .