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about face a military command to turn and face the opposite direction.
about-face a reversal of one's position or direction, esp. in response to a military command. [1/3 definitions]
absent without leave absent without permission from assigned military duty, but not necessarily with the intention of deserting; AWOL.
accouter to provide with equipment, esp. military equipment.
ace a pilot who has downed a specified number of military aircraft. [1/7 definitions]
action military conflict; fighting. [1/8 definitions]
activate to assign (a military unit) to active status. [1/6 definitions]
active duty the status of full-time service or work, esp. in the military.
adjutant a military officer who assists a commanding officer in administrative affairs. [1/2 definitions]
admiral an officer in the United States Navy of the highest rank; the commander of a fleet of ships or military unit.
aggression unprovoked hostile action against a country by another's military forces. [1/3 definitions]
aide a military officer who serves as confidential assistant to a commanding officer such as a general. [1/2 definitions]
aide-de-camp a military or naval officer serving as assistant to a general or admiral.
air base a military base for air force operations.
air command a major unit in a military air force, esp. in the United States.
air force the branch of a country's military system that uses aircraft.
air power a country's military capacity for waging war by air.
air raid a military raid by aircraft, esp. bombers.
airstrike an attack by air forces or other military aviation against a ground or naval target.
alert a warning or a period of warning, as of severe weather or military attack. [1/3 definitions]
allotment in the U.S. military, the portion of a person's salary authorized for payment directly to another party, such as a dependent. [1/2 definitions]