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albumin any of a class of proteins soluble in water and coagulating in heat, found in egg white, blood, milk, and various plant and animal tissues.
ampulla an enlarged part of a tube or canal, as of a milk canal in the milk-secreting glands of a mammal. [1/2 definitions]
au lait made or served with milk.
beestings (used with a sing. or pl. verb) the first milk of a mammal, esp. a cow, after giving birth; colostrum.
biotin a compound considered part of the vitamin B complex, found in milk, egg yolks, and yeast.
black taken without cream or milk. [1/2 definitions]
blancmange a white, sweet milk pudding, thickened with cornstarch or gelatin and flavored with vanilla or rum.
blue cheese a rich strong-flavored semisoft cheese made of cow's milk and veined with blue mold.
bottle formula or cow's milk fed to infants in place of mother's milk, usu. contained in a bottle fitted with a nipple. [1/4 definitions]
breast one of the two glands on the human chest, usually bigger on women than on men. Babies get milk from female breasts. [1/2 definitions]
breast-feed to feed (a baby) milk from a breast; suckle; nurse. [1/2 definitions]
butter a solid yellow fat made from milk.
butterfat the fat of milk, from which butter is made.
buttermilk a sour liquid left after making butter from milk. Buttermilk is used as a drink or in cooking.
butyric acid an organic acid found in animal milk fats, esp. rancid butter, and used to produce certain fragrances, disinfectants, flavors, and pharmaceuticals.
café au lait hot coffee mixed with an equal amount of hot or scalded milk. [1/2 definitions]
café noir black coffee (French); coffee without milk or cream.
calcium a soft, silver-white substance. Calcium is found in rocks, shells, and milk. The body uses calcium to build strong bones and teeth.
cambric tea a drink of hot water, milk, sugar, and a little tea, usu. given to children.
cappuccino espresso coffee mixed with steamed milk and often topped with cinnamon or chocolate and whipped cream.
casein a protein derived from milk, used in making cheese and certain plastics. [1/2 definitions]