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barren not able to produce or support growth. [1/2 definitions]
destructive distillation the heating of a substance such as wood or coal with minimal exposure to air, to produce useful byproducts.
earth-friendly of or pertaining to a product or process that causes minimal harm to the environment.
eco-friendly designed to cause minimal damage to the environment.
environmentally-friendly of or pertaining to a product or process that causes minimal harm to the environment.
environmentally-responsible of or pertaining to actions that cause minimal harm to the environment. [1/2 definitions]
low-impact of or relating to a form of physical exercise that puts minimal stress on the body, esp. upon the joints. [2 definitions]
phoneme in linguistics, any of the minimal units of sound that are part of the sound system of any language.
planet-friendly of or pertaining to a product or process that causes minimal harm to the environment.
plateau a period or state of stability or minimal change. [2/3 definitions]
subminimal combined form of minimal.
taxeme any of the minimal features in grammatical construction, such as word selection, word order, or phonetic modification.
token slight or minimal; not substantial. [2/8 definitions]
tokenism the policy or practice of making only minimal or symbolic efforts to achieve some social or political goal such as racial integration or sex equality.