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blind spot an area nearby but which, or in which, one cannot see or hear what is happening, such as an area behind an automobile in motion that the driver cannot see through a rear-view mirror, or an acoustically dead spot in an auditorium. [1/4 definitions]
bureau a chest of drawers, often with a mirror. [1/3 definitions]
cheval glass a full-length framed mirror mounted in such a way that it can be tilted or swiveled.
chiffonier a tall, narrow chest of drawers, often with a mirror attached at the top.
compact1 a small case that contains face powder and a mirror. [1/6 definitions]
condenser a mirror, lens, or combination of lenses used to concentrate and direct light onto an object or area. [1/4 definitions]
defog to remove the condensed moisture or fog from (a mirror, windshield, or the like).
dressing table a stand or table, usu. with a mirror on or hung above it, at which one sits chiefly to apply makeup.
focal length the distance between the optical center of a lens or curved mirror and the far distant point where light rays converge upon an object.
foil2 the metal backing that transforms a piece of glass into a mirror. [1/7 definitions]
foliation the act or process of covering the back of (glass) with foil to produce a mirror. [1/6 definitions]
glass any of several objects made of glass, such as a window, mirror, or barometer. [1/5 definitions]
glint a brief flash or flicker of reflected light, as from a mirror or smooth metal surface. [1/4 definitions]
image a picture of something formed by a mirror; reflection. [2/4 definitions]
looking glass a mirror made of glass.
mirror to reflect or show in or as if in a mirror. [1/2 definitions]
mirror image an image of something as though it were seen in a mirror.
overhead projector a machine, used in teaching, that projects a transparency upon a mirror, which then reflects it in enlarged form upon a wall.
pier glass a tall mirror set in the section of wall between windows.
pier table a low table set against a wall between two windows, often beneath a tall mirror.
prink to dress or groom oneself with care, as by observing the effect of various adornments or arrangements in a mirror; primp. [1/2 definitions]