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Dictionary Suite
bazaar a sale of miscellaneous items for the purpose of raising funds for an organization or charity. [1/3 definitions]
beachcomber a person who lives by finding and selling miscellaneous items that wash ashore or are discarded there. [1/2 definitions]
bric-a-brac small miscellaneous decorative objects of value as antiques or curiosities.
grab bag any miscellaneous group or collection of articles. [1/2 definitions]
job lot a quantity of miscellaneous items, often of inferior quality. [1/2 definitions]
misc. abbreviation of "miscellaneous" or "miscellany."
odds and ends miscellaneous items; bits and pieces; scraps.
olio any miscellaneous collection of elements, esp. of music, stage entertainment, writing, or food; potpourri.
omnium-gatherum a miscellaneous collection; miscellany.
potpourri a collection or combination of miscellaneous, unrelated elements or objects. [1/3 definitions]
promiscuous composed of a diverse and miscellaneous mixture of parts or elements. [1/2 definitions]
ragbag a miscellaneous or motley collection; gathering of odds and ends. [1/2 definitions]
ragman a man who buys and sells rags and other miscellaneous items and scraps.
rummage a collection of miscellaneous, usu. used, articles; odds and ends. [1/5 definitions]
rummage sale a sale of miscellaneous new or used articles, usu. donated to raise funds for a charity, service organization, or the like.
slush fund money raised for an undesignated purpose, as by office employees for miscellaneous expenses, or a fund that is used for illicit purposes, such as bribery. [1/2 definitions]
sundry of various kinds; miscellaneous.