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act up to behave in a bad or mischievous way; misbehave. [1/2 definitions]
arch2 mischievous, sly, or teasing.
bogy an evil or mischievous supernatural being; hobgoblin. [1/2 definitions]
device a trick or scheme, often for a dishonest, evil, or mischievous purpose. [1/3 definitions]
devil an especially mischievous, clever, or energetic person. [1/3 definitions]
Dido (l.c.; informal) a silly or mischievous act; antic; prank. [1/2 definitions]
elf an imaginary, small, and often mischievous humanlike creature that has magical powers, or a person, usu. a child, resembling this creature in size and sprightliness.
elfish like, or of the nature of, an elf; mischievous; impish.
escapade a wild adventure or prank, usu. mischievous or mildly wicked.
frolic a good time or a playful, sometimes mischievous act. [1/3 definitions]
hoax an act of deception, esp. a humorous or mischievous trick. [1/3 definitions]
hob2 a mischievous elf; hobgoblin.
hobgoblin an ugly, mischievous, or troublesome elf, sprite, or goblin. [1/2 definitions]
hussy an impudent or mischievous young woman.
imp a mischievous child. [1/2 definitions]
impish of or like an imp, esp. in behavior or appearance; mischievous.
joker (informal) a person considered to be incompetent, mischievous, or annoying. [1/4 definitions]
monkey one who acts like a monkey, being playful and mischievous. [2/3 definitions]
monkey business (informal) mischievous, frivolous, or foolish behavior. [1/2 definitions]
monkeyshine (informal; usu. pl.) a playful, teasing, or mischievous prank or trick.
naughty not behaving or obeying; mischievous.