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calamitous causing or involving great loss and misery; disastrous.
calamity a state of extreme misery and suffering. [1/2 definitions]
Cinderella the title character of a common European fairy tale, who, with the help of a fairy godmother, escapes a life of misery and marries a prince. [2 definitions]
de profundis (Latin) out of the depths (used to express great sorrow or misery).
desolation a feeling of grief or misery. [1/4 definitions]
hell torment, suffering, or misery. [1/6 definitions]
lead a dog's life to have a life of misery and trouble.
miserable extremely unhappy, remorseful, or dissatisfied; feeling misery. [1/5 definitions]
sore causing considerable misery or distress. [2/7 definitions]
villain any person, agency, or condition considered to be a chief cause of suffering, misery, or failure. [1/4 definitions]
wretched characterized by or causing misery and suffering. [1/4 definitions]