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Dictionary Suite
blank a place or space where something is lacking or missing. [1/12 definitions]
casualty a member of the armed forces removed from active duty as a result of being killed, wounded, captured, or missing in action. [1/5 definitions]
cloze of, pertaining to, or being a measure of reading comprehension or language acquisition in which a learner is asked to supply words that are missing from a text. Such words will have been systematically deleted and typically range across various parts of speech. [1/2 definitions]
contraction a shortened form of a word or words, generally containing an apostrophe in the written form to represent missing letters. Contractions reflect the elimination of certain sounds as well as, in some cases, changes in sound and spelling, as when the vowel pronunciation changes in the case of "will not" being shortened to "won't." [1/3 definitions]
fill out to complete by providing missing information. [1/3 definitions]
lack that which is missing, or the nonexistence or absence of a particular thing. [1/4 definitions]
MIA abbreviation of "missing in action."
minus missing or lacking; without. [1/7 definitions]
prosthesis the replacement of a defective or missing bodily limb or other part with an artificial substitute. [1/2 definitions]
puzzled made unsure or confused because of conflicting, missing, or unclear information; confused; perplexed.
search and rescue an operation undertaken by trained emergency workers to find and rescue persons lost, missing, or injured in a remote or dangerous place.
search party a group of people organized to search for someone or something that is missing.
tracer an inquiry or investigation concerning a missing person or thing. [1/3 definitions]