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Dictionary Suite
all wet completely wrong; mistaken.
clear unable to be mistaken for something else; obvious. [1/14 definitions]
delusion a mistaken or false belief, esp. one that persists despite evidence to the contrary, as in certain abnormal mental states. [1/2 definitions]
erroneous containing or based on error; incorrect; mistaken.
error the state of being incorrect, mistaken, or morally wrong (usu. prec. by "in"). [2/5 definitions]
false based on mistaken ideas or perceptions. [1/7 definitions]
fool's gold iron or copper pyrite, sometimes mistaken for gold because of its color.
illusion a fantasy or mistaken idea. [1/2 definitions]
in the wrong in error; mistaken.
misbelief a wrong or mistaken belief. [2 definitions]
misguided led astray; in error; mistaken.
misstep a mistaken placement of the foot. [1/2 definitions]
mistakable liable to being mistaken or misunderstood.
off base wrong; mistaken
on the wrong tack pursuing an inappropriate or mistaken course of action; misguided.
Othello in a tragedy by William Shakespeare, the title character, who murders his wife in the mistaken belief that she has been unfaithful.
unmistakable that can not be mistaken or missed; obvious.