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city chicken see "mock chicken."
fleer1 to sneer, snicker, or laugh mockingly; mock. [1/2 definitions]
ha ha used to express amusement, particularly when writing, or to mock or ridicule someone.
jeer to mock or deride loudly. [1/3 definitions]
jest to laugh at or mock. [1/6 definitions]
joke to make fun of; mock. [1/7 definitions]
make fun of to laugh at; mock.
mimic to imitate in a derogatory or derisive manner; ridicule or mock. [2/8 definitions]
moot a hypothetical legal case presented for discussion, or a mock court where such cases are debated for learning purposes. [1/6 definitions]
moot court a mock trial, usu. for the instruction of law students.
pillory to mock or criticize strongly, as in public speech or in writing. [1/3 definitions]
poke fun at to tease or mock.
racist designed to mock or denigrate a particular race. [1/7 definitions]
ridicule to make fun of or laugh at, esp. unkindly or contemptuously; mock; deride. [1/2 definitions]
Satanism the worship of Satan, esp. in a cult whose rituals distort and mock Christian worship.
scoff to laugh at, mock, or criticize scornfully (often followed by "at").
scorn to express derision or disdain; mock. [1/5 definitions]
shivaree a raucous mock serenade for a newly married couple. [1/2 definitions]
spoof to imitate humorously; mock good-naturedly; lampoon. [1/5 definitions]
sport to tease or mock someone. [1/10 definitions]
syringa see "mock orange." [1/2 definitions]