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archetype an original model or pattern from which others are made or copied; prototype.
balsa the wood of this tree, used for rafts and model airplanes. [1/2 definitions]
beau ideal an example or model of perfection or excellence. [1/2 definitions]
crèche a model of Jesus Christ's nativity in the Bethlehem stable, exhibited esp. at Christmas. [1/3 definitions]
design a drawing made by an artist as a model of something. [1/4 definitions]
dope a product that is used to protect and strengthen fabric or paper, as on balloons or model airplane wings. [1/4 definitions]
example a model that you should either copy or avoid. [1/2 definitions]
exemplar one worthy to be imitated or studied; model. [1/4 definitions]
exemplary serving as a model or guide. [1/4 definitions]
formula a conventional model for doing something. [1/5 definitions]
full-scale of a copy or model, having the same dimensions as the original; not reduced. [1/2 definitions]
glue sniffing the potentially brain-damaging act or practice of inhaling the fumes of certain types of glue, such as model airplane glue, and thereby becoming intoxicated, giddy, or the like.
hero a person who has courage and who is a model for others. [1/2 definitions]
ideal seen as a model of being perfect. [1/6 definitions]
large-scale drawn or constructed in relatively large proportions, as a map, blueprint, or model. [1/2 definitions]
lay figure a jointed, usu. wooden model of the human body, used by artists as a substitute for a live model.
layout an arrangement, design, or plan as shown either by laying its components out in a drawing or model, or by the structure itself on its actual site. [1/4 definitions]
lead1 an example or model for behavior or action. [1/20 definitions]
mannequin a model of the human torso or body used to fit or display clothing; dummy. [1/2 definitions]
maquette a small model of a planned building, sculpture, or the like.
maze a drawing or small model made to resemble a network of confusing pathways, such as may be used as a game or toy. [1/4 definitions]