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acculturate to modify (one culture) by contact with another culture. [1/3 definitions]
acoustic intended to modify or improve sound quality, as a building material. [1/3 definitions]
adverb a word that describes a verb, adjective, or other adverb. Adverbs are also used to modify a whole sentence.
assimilate in phonetics, to modify (a sound) to make it resemble a linguistically adjacent sound. [1/8 definitions]
attributive in grammar, indicating an attribute, as adjectives and adverbs that immediately precede the words they modify. [1/3 definitions]
bowdlerize to omit or modify parts of (a book, play, or the like) that are considered immoral or indecent.
doctor to change or modify; tamper with. [1/6 definitions]
feedback in electronics, the return of part of the output of a device or system to the input, so as to reinforce or modify the input. [1/6 definitions]
glaze a transparent coating used to modify the tones of a painting or painted surface. [1/9 definitions]
hack1 to write or modify programs for computers, usually with advanced skill and for pleasure. [1/12 definitions]
indefinite article in English grammar, either of the articles "a" and "an," which do not restrict the nouns or noun equivalents that they modify, but serve to indicate the class to which such modified words belong. (Cf. definite article.)
interact to have an effect on or modify one another. [1/2 definitions]
modal auxiliary an auxiliary verb, such as "can," "may," "must," or "should," that is used to modify the meaning of a main verb by including such notions as necessity, possibility, certainty, capability, advisability, potential, and expectation.
Nicene council either of two church councils, one in the fourth century and one in the eighth century, that convened in Nicaea to establish or modify church doctrine.
objective complement in grammar, a word or word group used in the predicate of a sentence to modify the direct object, such as "a fool" in "I called her a fool".
pad1 a small pillow attached on the inside of clothing to modify its shape. [1/12 definitions]
plasticizer any of various substances added to plastics, paints, or the like to modify viscosity, flexibility, strength, or other characteristics.
pred. abbreviation of "predicate," in grammar, the part of a sentence that explains the action, effect, or condition of the subject, consisting of the verb and all the words that modify or are affected by the verb
predicate in grammar, the part of a sentence that explains the action, effect, or condition of the subject, consisting of the verb and all the words that modify or are affected by the verb. [1/7 definitions]
qualify to limit the meaning or extent of; modify. [1/3 definitions]
retrofit to modify design, construction, or equipment (of an aircraft, automobile, or the like) that is already in service in order to include later improvements. [1/2 definitions]