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athlete's foot a common contagious skin infection characterized by itching and scaling, and caused by fungi that thrive in warm moist places, such as between the toes.
baste2 to keep moist with a liquid during cooking.
blush a powder or moist makeup for highlighting the cheekbones; blusher. [1/7 definitions]
cardinal flower a plant of eastern North America that grows in moist ground or shallow water. [1/2 definitions]
clammy unpleasantly moist, cool, and sticky. [1/2 definitions]
clay moist, stiff earth that is used for making brick, pottery, and tile.
dab1 a small moist bit. [1/5 definitions]
damp to make moist; dampen. [1/8 definitions]
dampen to make moist or slightly wet. [1/2 definitions]
devil's food cake a rich, moist chocolate cake, often covered with rich icing.
dew to moisten or become moist with or as with dew. [1/3 definitions]
dry not wet, damp, or moist. [1/8 definitions]
fresco to paint (a picture) on fresh, moist plaster, as on a wall. [1/2 definitions]
frog1 a small, jumping animal with smooth, moist skin, long back legs, webbed feet, and no tail. Frogs are amphibians; they live in water during the first part of their lives and on land as adults. [1/2 definitions]
fruitcake a dense, sweet, usu. moist cake containing dried and candied fruit and sometimes nuts. [1/2 definitions]
humid having a high amount of water vapor; damp; moist.
hydric of, relating to, or preferring a moist or wet environment. [1/2 definitions]
hypophosphoric acid an acid that results from exposing phosphorous to moist air.
meadow mushroom a common mushroom that thrives in moist soil and is often cultivated for food.
mildew any of several fungi that grow on plants and, under moist conditions, on other organic materials such as paper. [1/3 definitions]
montane designating the biogeographic zone in mountain regions that is below timberline and is moist and cool.